A Research and Implementation on Fast ECC Chip Resistant against Side Channel Attacks Detecting elliptically polarized light using compound quarter-wave plate 抗功耗攻击快速椭圆曲线加密芯片的研究实现双λ/4波片复合效应与椭圆偏振光的实验验证
All the other wavelengths will emerge as either elliptically or circularly polarized light. 所有其它波长的光将以椭圆偏振光或圆偏振光出射。
The utility model refers to an experimental and testing apparatus, in particular relates to an elliptically polarized light analysis device. 本实用新型涉及实验与检测设备,特指一种椭圆偏振光分析装置。
Analysis of Poincare Presentation of Elliptically Polarized Light via a Rotatory Device by Means of Johns Matrix 利用琼斯矩阵分析全偏振光通过旋光器件的邦加球表示
Detecting elliptically polarized light using compound quarter-wave plate Microwave Properties and Applications of Ferromagnetic Nanowire Arrays 铁磁纳米线阵复合基片的微波特性与应用
The mode coupling between laser cavity and ring resonator has been realized by using a spherical reflector. The results of frequency difference measurement for the elliptically polarized light and its experimental installation are presented. The nonlinear measuring errors by PZT have been eliminated through nonlinear coordinates transformation. 采用球面反射镜实现环形腔的本征模式与激光束注入模式的匹配,给出实验装置及偏振光频差测量结果,并通过非线性坐标变换消除了压电陶瓷PZT的非线性对测量结果的影响。
The structure of initial DLC films prepared by direct photo chemical vapor deposition technique HOW TO TEST ELLIPTICALLY POLARIZED LIGHT 直接光CVD类金刚石碳膜的初期成膜结构
After annealing the intensity of green luminescence is increased and the PL peak position moved to long wavelengths. GEOMETRIC PROPOSITIONS INDUCED FROM THE INTENSITY OF ELLIPTICALLY POLARIZED LIGHT 退火处理明显提高了绿光强度,并且使发光峰产生了红移从椭圆偏振光强度引出的几何命题
The total reflection of elliptically polarized light 椭圆偏振光的全反射光的偏振态
A change of state of elliptically polarized light when refracting and reflecting 椭圆偏振光折反射时的状态变化
This paper presents a theoretical study of the mode difference be-tween the left and right elliptically polarized light in out-of-plane cavity laser gyro which caused by S-P phase and Q anisotropy of the ring cavity. 本文理论分析了异面腔激光陀螺中由S一P相位和Q的各向异性所引起的左、右旋椭圆偏振模式的非对称性。
Theoretical analyses of the detection of elliptically polarized light and partially polarized light 椭圆偏振光与部分偏振光检验的理论分析
Angular velocity of elliptically polarized light's vector in rotating 椭圆偏振光电矢量转动的角速度
Studies on Annealing Behaviours of O_2~+ Implantation into Si with Elliptically Polarized Light 椭圆偏振光研究O2~+注入Si的退火特性
Analysing the method for demonstrating elliptically polarized light 椭圆偏振光验证方法的进一步分析
Based on the rate equations of two-level system, the solutions of spin-up and spin-down carrier populations are obtained under the condition of incompletely initial spin polarization photoinduced by elliptically polarized pump light. 基于二能级体系的速率方程,获得了椭圆偏振光泵浦注入非完全自旋极化初始条件下的自旋向上和向下载流子布居的解析解。
The transformation course of a quarter-waveplate ′ s rotating polarization plane of elliptically polarized light is deeply analyzed by the Jones vector transformation. 采用琼斯矢量变换的方法,分析了四分之一波片对入射椭圆偏振光偏振面的变换过程。
Experimental verifications of elliptically polarized light HOW TO TEST ELLIPTICALLY POLARIZED LIGHT 关于椭圆偏振光与圆偏振光的实验验证